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Hibriten High

Home of the Panthers

My Student Is the _____ Grade…

Under each grade level's tab is relevant information pertaining to that grade. Below is Caldwell County School's High School Curriculm Guide that applies to high school students. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Counseling Department at HHS for more information. 


The following chart outlines the graduation requirements for the Future Ready Core.



Future Ready Core

Occupational Prep*


5 credits:

Communication Skills, English I, II, III, IV

4 credits:

OCS English I, II, III, IV


4 credits:

Math I, II,, III, and a fourth math aligned to post high school plans

2 credits:

OCS Applied Science and Biology


3 credits:

Earth/Environmental Science, Biology, and a physical science course

2 credits:

OCS Applied Science and Biology

Social Studies

4 credits:

World History, Civics & Economics, and American History I and II or AP US History + a social studies elective

2 credits:

OCS Social Studies I and II

Health & PE

1 credit

1 credit

World Languages

Not required for graduation. 

2 credits in same language required to meet the minimum application requirements for UNC admission.


Other Electives

12 credits required.

2 credits of any combination from:

  • Career Technical Education
  • Arts Education
  • World Languages

4 credits strongly recommended (4 course concentration) from one of the following:

  • Career & Technical Education
  • Arts Education
  • Any subject area (i.e. English, math, science, etc.)

4 technical credits


6 credits – Occupational Preparation I, II, III, IV


Total 900 hours in training and work hours

Total Credits

28 credits

22 credits